
Jan 2025 - 2024 in Airtightness, brief overview

Just for interest: the best and worst tests of the year in 2024

Best Air Permeability test Worst Air Permeability tested

New build

Worst Air Permeability tested


1 0.309 - timber frame single home 6.91 - new school extension. Would normally have been expected to be less than 5 m3/hr.m2. This was further worked and retested to the standard required. 16.348 - existing former 1800's military building in use as office
2 0.382 - timber frame single home 6.54 - new house - 3 storey semi-detached. In fact, a line of these were over 5 m3/hr.m2 and needed attention on the day by the builder to get them to the required level. 13.634 - 1990's house, occupants cold
3 0.444 - timber frame single home 5.83 - terraced new house.
Timber frame house where most of the rest were doing fine, but this one wasn't as good as it's peers..
12.598 - 1900's house, recently renovated, test prior to re-occupation. This house had further works done after this poor test and eventually came in just under 5 m3/hr.m2, on the 3rd test.

Two of the three best results are all from the same timber frame supplier this year, as they have been for a number of years, and the one that was not of that builder is from the same builder who several years ago had a sub - 0.1ach test with us.

By the way, where the test is over the allowed limit, there is typically a retest on another day, following rectification works. We do not report on that here.

Greenbuild Energy Rating and Building Information Services Ltd trading as
Gorey, Co. Wexford
Tel: 087 2521032
All information presented here is without warranty or guarantee.
Airtightness testing - IS EN9972:2015 Certified Member of the Irish Passive House Association