
30 Aug 2016 - Much tape doesn't mean much airtight

A new house recently tested had to be tested on 3 visits to get it to a relatively good standard of about 3.5 m3/hr.m2 - the first test being outside of the 2011 Part L requirements of at most 7 m3/hr.m2.

Three of the noticeable things about this house:

So it is a reminder that lots of materials doesn't mean good airtightness - workmanship is key.

numerous types of tapes
numerous types of tapes
2 Types of membrane
Various membranes
Inconsistent foam
Example of foam sprayed in, but not expanding as much as the worker expected
- plenty of gaps left
foam missing from area
Example of total loss of foam - this is looking upwards,
the foam may have fallen down after application

06 January 2016 - 2015 in Airtightness

Just for interest: the best and worst tests of the year in 2015

Best Air Permeability test Worst Air Permeability tested - New build Worst Air Permeability tested - Existing
1 0.13 9.87 20.33
2 0.22 9.02 12.72
3 0.30 5.98 11.28

The readings are in m3/hr.m2.

And if you are eagle eyed, you will see that yes, just 2 new homes didn't pass the airtightness test at a Building Regulations level, at least on their first run at it.
The Building Regulations Level is a mximum result of 7 m3/hr.m2.

But of course, a much larger number of new builds had self imposed targets of much less than that, and they did not all reach their there's another metric to measure this year....

Greenbuild Energy Rating and Building Information Services Ltd trading as
Gorey, Co. Wexford
Tel: 087 2521032
All information presented here is without warranty or guarantee.
Airtightness testing - IS EN9972:2015 Certified Member of the Irish Passive House Association